Wednesday, January 20, 2010


“Reversing the Cursing/ Profanity is Insanity”
Reason to stop cursing/ swearing / using profanity:
1. It is a bad habit and can be reinforced by people we hang around.
2. It may lead to physical fights
3. You could get sued, charged with a crime and/or fined
4. People may the wrong impression about you.
5. You may lose a job or promotion
6. You may lose clients or customers
7. * It may be rude, offensive or hurtful to other people
8. It is not cool or mature
9. It is not professional of businesslike
10. It may be considered uncivilized and disrespectful

Step to Revering the Cursing:
1. Recognize the you have a problem
2. Understand why you swear
3. Know why you want to stop swearing
4. Make a commitment with yourself to step
5. Express yourself better
6. Accept responsibility
7. Enlist support
8. Find substitute words
9. Punish yourself
10. Reward yourself
11. Persevere

Thing you can use to Reverse the cursing
1. Patience
2. Sense of realism about your goal-it takes times to change
3. Friends and family who are supportive and helpful
4. Journal for thought, goals and self-promises

Warnings About Cursing…
1. Swearing can cause disrespect, hatred and violence
2. Swearing at work will get you fired
3. Seek anger management through resources if your swearing comes about because of anger
4. Don’t use swearing as a weapon (swearing get you nowhere; manners open all doors)
5. Intense and relentless swearing is verbal abuse and in some jurisdictions can have you ending up in court for a five or maybe even imprisonment
6. If someone annoys you, tell them to “get lost” or “stop” or just try to ignore them

Friday, January 1, 2010

I wish you the best in this new year!

I hope this year will be the best year in our live!

Hugs and Kisses Maria

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays

May your holidays

be full of joy

and your new year

bright with happiness!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


1.Share how you remember transformations. Do you have any tips or hints that help you to remember?
I had to answer this blog along time of go. The reason I did not answer it, was because I forgot how to do transformations. But know I found out how to do it. My friends form the Calculus class helped me remember how to do it. They told me that if I add or subtract a number to x, my graph would shift to the right or to the left.
For example
When you graph -ln(x+3) you have to move 3 units to the left. (At the begging of the class, I believed that I had to move 3 units to right because I was add 3 to x but I was wrong.)
The reason I remember that the graph should go either left or right is because my friends told me that I have to moves OPPOSITE way when you are add or subtract sign.

2. Share how you remember or understand trigonometry. Do you have any tips or hints that help you remember/memorize all those facts?
Ok I also did not know how to do trigonometry it took me time to memorize. But my friends help me memorize it. They told me that if I want to understand trigonometry I have to memorize the unit circle because it revolves around the unit circle. I am not going to lie to you but in took me 4 long days of study to remember the unit circle.
My tips/hints to memorize this stuff is to work in study groups. Make your study groups fun and make up games use the subject you are study about.

3. What still confuses you or worries you about trigonometry?
What still worries me is finding the zeros of the graph. My domain and range a little bit.

Algebra VS Calculus

1. What is the DIFFERENCE between finding the limit of a function at x=c and actually plugging in the number x=c? When are the two cases the SAME?
When you are try to find the limit at x=c you are also find the output and the value of f(x) when it gets closer to c. There could be holes at x=c, but for the limit to exist the hole has to be removable. This is calling a Removable Discontinuity.
The two cases are the same when the graph of the function is continuous.

2.What is the SIMILARITIES between finding the derivative and finding the slope of a line. What are the DIFFERENCES between the two?
The similarities between both of them is that you have to use the change y / the change x to find the slope.
The difference is that on the derivative you need to find the tangent line to find the secant line.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

LIMITS!!!! ]='

LIMITS, some of the limits i do understand and i think i do good on it but some other limits just take me to the limit because I just don't understand it.

The limits I believe I do great on is when the lim x-c(x) =c, Limit of the identity function at x=c

The limits I do not get are the one-sided and two-sided limits from section 2.1 exercise problems 37 and 38.
The second problem I do not understand is number 26 from the chapter 2 review exercises.
The last problems I do not understand are number 27 and 28 from the chapter 2 review exercises. I didn’t understand because I don’t know how to find the vertical asymptotes of the graph of y=f(x)