Wednesday, January 20, 2010


“Reversing the Cursing/ Profanity is Insanity”
Reason to stop cursing/ swearing / using profanity:
1. It is a bad habit and can be reinforced by people we hang around.
2. It may lead to physical fights
3. You could get sued, charged with a crime and/or fined
4. People may the wrong impression about you.
5. You may lose a job or promotion
6. You may lose clients or customers
7. * It may be rude, offensive or hurtful to other people
8. It is not cool or mature
9. It is not professional of businesslike
10. It may be considered uncivilized and disrespectful

Step to Revering the Cursing:
1. Recognize the you have a problem
2. Understand why you swear
3. Know why you want to stop swearing
4. Make a commitment with yourself to step
5. Express yourself better
6. Accept responsibility
7. Enlist support
8. Find substitute words
9. Punish yourself
10. Reward yourself
11. Persevere

Thing you can use to Reverse the cursing
1. Patience
2. Sense of realism about your goal-it takes times to change
3. Friends and family who are supportive and helpful
4. Journal for thought, goals and self-promises

Warnings About Cursing…
1. Swearing can cause disrespect, hatred and violence
2. Swearing at work will get you fired
3. Seek anger management through resources if your swearing comes about because of anger
4. Don’t use swearing as a weapon (swearing get you nowhere; manners open all doors)
5. Intense and relentless swearing is verbal abuse and in some jurisdictions can have you ending up in court for a five or maybe even imprisonment
6. If someone annoys you, tell them to “get lost” or “stop” or just try to ignore them

Friday, January 1, 2010

I wish you the best in this new year!

I hope this year will be the best year in our live!

Hugs and Kisses Maria