Monday, October 26, 2009

About Me

WEll my name is Maria Cristina, to my family I'm Cristina and to friends I'm Maria. I live out in Sun Valley, I know it's lame. I go to Poly High School. If you want to get to know me better just send me a message...bye....

I am just joking! OK, as you can see I love to play and said jokes to people so be wear of me. Ahhhhh! JUST PLAY! Well I am a girl that try really hard to get good grade at school and make a lot of friend as possible. I like to by around people because I like to talk a lot. That why at school I am in so many different clubs. I am in the Girl’s Soccer Team, Students Run L.A. , Student, 11Th Grade Council, California Scholarship Federation, Human Efforts Aimed At Relating Together, and Early Bird life Opportunities. WOW! Those are a lot of clubs. Well you have learned a little bit about me, I hope so? Well I have to go, see you guys i class. NOT DO DRUGS! =) BYE! =)